All-round Technician
Our client is looking for motivated all-round technicians to support us in the start-up and further ...
Our client is looking for motivated all-round technicians to support us in the start-up and further ...
Complex equipment and lines, a growing organization and an enthusiastic team. Will you join this tea...
We believe that knowing, understanding, and sensing are essential to serve our clients and candidates as effectively as possible. We know our clients, understand the business, and sense where the perfect match lies.
At Head Professionals, our consultant knows both your company and the candidate. Interest, curiosity, and passion are our driving forces. We understand the company, the people who work there, and the culture that prevails. With this conviction, we have also shaped our recruitment and selection strategy to be both personal and competency-focused. Through STAR-method interviews and tailored assessments, we get to know our candidates just that little bit better.
Head Professionals is a recruitment and selection agency specializing in permanent positions within the mid to high segments of the food and logistics sectors. Our parent company, Head Staffing, has been actively placing personnel in this industry for 15 years. With this extensive experience, we also understand the less visible and tangible dynamics that unfold within organizations in the food and logistics sectors.
Head Professionals aims for employees who are a perfect fit within an organization. These are the individuals who willingly go the extra mile and walk into the office each day with a smile and energy. It’s that additional commitment that feels natural, precisely because they belong together. That’s something we wish for everyone. Our recruitment strategy focuses on cultural fit — a sustainable way of creating successful matches.